We all know pornography is widespread throughout our community and is everywhere. But just how much is it out there exactly? Well here is some statistics that might shock you quite a bit.....
Pornographic websites - 4.2 million (12% of total websites)
Pornographic pages - 420 million
Daily requests for pornography through search engines - 68 million (25% of all requests)
Daily pornographic emails - 2.5 billion (8% total emails)
Internet users who view porn - 42.7%
Received unwanted exposure to material - 34%
Monthly pornographic downloads - 1.5 billion (35% of all downloads)
Websites offering illegal pornography - 100,000
Sexual solicitations of youth made in chat rooms - 89%
Worldwide visitors to pornographic websites - 72 million monthly
Internet pornography sales - $4.9 billion
Largest consumer of Internet pornography - 35-49 age group
Statistics for children
Average age of first Internet exposure to pornography - 11 years old
8-16 year old viewing porn on-line - 90% (most while doing homework)
Children's character names linked to porn links - 26 (including Pokemon and action man)
Adult statistics
Men watching it at work - 20%
Women watching porn at work - 13%
US adults who regularly visit pornography sites - 40 million
Women accessing porn sites each month - 9.4 million
Now these statistics are quite shocking. You probably didn't realise how much pornography consumes society and is overtaking everything. What is more shocking is that these statistics are increasing each day with more and more content made each hour to be distributed and that children are accessing this at a younger age than ever before. What was once "adult content" is no longer with the age being as young as 9 when children become viewers. Is this the way that we want our society to go and become acceptable and for them to lose their innocence way before they are ready?
For more statistics, head to http://www.familysafemedia.com/pornography_statistics.html
For more statistics, head to http://www.familysafemedia.com/pornography_statistics.html