The widespread availability of porn has become a bit concerning. Gone are the days when you had to go to an adult bookshop to find the material you desire, you can get it any where at any time and without the awkwardness of if someone you know saw you going into the shop. Sure there are still shops out there but they aren't used for what they used to be. Now its toys and equipment and outfits so that you can try and do what the porn stars are doing. classy huh?
Now I know some of you out there are glad about the new availability of porn and how you can get it anywhere without people seeing you (for the most part). But have a think about this..... if you can access it so quickly and easily, then everyone else can too. THIS MEANS YOUR CHILDREN TOO! Did you think about that while your opening up the next video to look at? If everyone can get to it, then that means everyone! Your kids, your parents, your boss at work and anyone else out there that you want to include in that group. That also means that there is a high possibility that your boss/someone in your family has/is watching the same porn as you. Yes that video your viewing on the side while reading this....... other people are watching too..... kinda gross huh? Now I think I have your attention....
So should we do what china has done and gone to an extreme? Or do we need to regulate ourselves and be the responsible adults that we are supposed to be. I'll let you decide after reading this small bit about what china has done.......
"China has put a blanket ban on sites such as Flickr, Picasa Web, Tumblr, Vimeo, DailyMotion and You Tube in an attempt to stop the flow of pornography. Although this also blocks access to political content also and many domestic sites. In 2009 alone, more than 15,000 pornographic websites were shut down or blocked in China's war on porn The following year China shut down some 60,000 porn sites and arrested almost 5,000 suspects in the process. "
Is this the way that we should go or is this too much of an extreme? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and find a way to educate and protect without completely going overboard.
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