So if you're reading this right now, you have watched porn before. Now before you go and have a go at me saying that you would never do that you are a good person with morals etc..... just stop. Not everyone is perfect and neither is the Internet. Surely you have been redirected from a website you've been on before to a sex site or had pop ups advertising sex or "lonely girls" and the like? yes? see...... you have watched porn. Now it might not have been 100% by choice, but the sad fact is that each and every one of us has seen pornography before. Whether it be filmed, advertisements, websites, pop ups, or even you everyday advertising on the TV with a half naked person (yes that is classified as porn), we have all seen porn.
But is it right that we are exposed to it everyday without even realising? No, not really. But what are you going to do about it? Nothing. That's right. You're just going to sit there and do nothing and ignore it as it slowly gets worse and worse. What happens when its in the streets and everywhere and you can't ignore it... what then?
Now I did say that this is a blog for both parents and youths to be educated on porn and not me just going on about all the crap stuff that teenagers don't want to know about. So here's some stuff for you younger people out there.
You think porn is fun. You like the way that it looks and the people act and what they do in it. You think it would be awesome to work in the industry and it's OK to look at it everyday and get off on it. Well here's some things you probably haven't thought about.
A LOT of teenagers (yes you) think that the sex in porn is real sex and how it is in real life.
A LOT of teenagers think that women want to be treated that way or that its OK to treat women that way
A LOT of teenagers think that porn doesn't really cause any real harm to anyone
Well........ here's some hard truth for you.
Porn sex is not like real sex. Its rougher and doesn't happen how it looks. Girls don't like every position that a guy will put her in just so he can stick his P***S into every hole he can find and as far as it will go and that she will enjoy it. Women do not scream for hours on end like they do in porn about the pleasure. Its not like that. Sure they might get a bit of pleasure but not as much as you think they will like what you have seen. And calling them names like "dirty hoe" and making them look like children cos its more appealing? yeah that actually causes harm but I'll get back to that bit in a minute.
Women don't actually want to be treated like they are in everything you have seen. They don't want 3 guys shoving themselves into any hole they can find all at the same time and being tossed around like a play toy with no feelings We don't like being called dirty hoe/slut/bitch/etc and treated like shit nor do we enjoy doing everything that you want to cos you think it might be "fun". Fun for who though? You? Great so you get to enjoy it and we just have to lie there and take it? I think not.
And as it goes for causing harm well it does actually cause a lot of harm, more than people realise. Not only do women feel objectified already but they are treated like crap and made to look like they actually enjoy it. We get hurt and don't want to do what you want to and then get called names when we object to something. Dressing us up like children also causes real harm as its just a doorway into child pornography. How would you like to see your younger brother/sister/cousin/nephew/niece/friend in those films against their will and not because they are an adult dressed as a child but an actual child. Its wrong and sick and beyond any words.
And on the subject of harm.... what happens if someone has a health condition that they shouldn't be sharing around. I'm not talking about your common cold or anything. I'm talking about STD's/STI's and other conditions that are detrimental to your health. What if you contract one. What then?
So before you go off clicking on that site you were planning on for later today..... have a think about that. What is real and what isn't. Is it OK what they are doing or does it need to be stopped. What protection do these people have?
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