Hello all and welcome to our blog for the reality about porn. Not only will we be exploring the myths, truths and hard facts about the industry, but also looking at what it does to society and kids.
We will be answering questions and posting some ourselves on what do you think is acceptable and where should we draw a line. Hopefully this can help educate us on the differences between what is real and fake and what we need to do to protect ourselves from the some of the more daring parts and what shouldn't be freely available.
So stay tuned for some new blogs coming soon and feel free to write us with your questions and we will answer you with the hard truth as much as we can....... until then, stay protected
I totally agree with you. porn is too freely available these days and anyone can get to it. i found my 5 year old on a site during the week and he had no idea how he got there and asked me what the man was doing to the lady and was he hurting her. this is not the type of things that we want out there and there needs to be something done about it, even if its just getting people to be more responsible..