So.... you think porn is harmless? It's just some people that are having sex and being taped so that others can see. But is that really right to be looking at someone else's sex life and what they are doing and get off on it?
The answer is No. No its not right to watching someone else do "it" . Especially when what they are doing isn't really real. You really think that girls like to be treated that way and will do anything that the guy suggests and loves every moment of it? Are you kidding me? Do you enjoy being treated like nothing and shoved around yet have to look like you are enjoying it and want more? No, you don't.
But the fact is, many people believe that what they see in pornography is "real". Especially for younger viewers (which, lets face it, what are they doing watching porn anyway) who haven't experienced much or anything and think that what they see in porn is how sex is in real life and try to treat women like that. As part of this education campaign, we will try to visit different peoples stories and the effect of porn on them. In this part of our story, we meet Edward. Edward first discovered porn when he was 13-years-old at school. Every now and then his friends would come in with new videos and websites that they had dug up on-line the night before and share them around. Only a year earlier his contemporaries might have been swapping toys. Now they were trading porn.
"I started watching it more and more," the 19-year-old recalls. "It had a massive effect on the way I thought about sex and has been hugely detrimental to my perception of what a relationship is supposed to be like.
By the time he got together with his first girlfriend, three years later, he felt utterly confused. "It wasn't that I was expecting sex in real life to be like that in porn, or that women would be like those you see in the videos. But I had a very distorted view on relationships. Porn doesn't show a typical sexual encounter, its very distorted and not like it actually is"
But who exactly should be responsible for stopping children and teenagers from accessing porn. Should Internet service providers (ISP's) force customers to "opt-in" to unrestricted access, or should it be on the parents to keep an eye on what their children are up to on-line?
The accessibility of porn has increased dramatically and can be gotten from anywhere at any time compared to when you could only get it at peep shows, black market videos or top shelf magazines.
Our view is that its not just one persons responsibility to make sure that their kids aren't accessing it, but every ones responsibility. Not only should ISP's be responsible for tracking certain sites or blocking the content/banning it to begin with, parents should be filtering what their children view and talk to them about why they are doing it. They should also lead by example and not look at it themselves, or not when people are around and clear browsing history so that others can't see what you've been up to. And finally, its also the child's responsibility. They should not be looking up content that is not suitable for them and take responsibility for what they do and be educated to know what is real and what isn't. Lets face it, if they think they that they can get away with it, then what will happen in our society and how people are treated. Are you ready to turn around and just grin and bare it?
i just dont understand how other people get off watching people have sex. i thought it was meant to be something between 2 people and not thousands of viewers. do these people have no respect for themselves or their families and everyone else out there. you are hurting society by doing this. stop this now before its too late and our children are permanently damaged