Porn today is every where. We can't escape it. Its either on the Internet or we see it walking down the street or in many other ways. There are cultural references to porn every where and a lot of them we don't even notice. But some of it we do notice and especially people who don't know what it is i.e. your kids. They want to check out what porn in because they want to know what it is and what the big deal about it is. Now is some ways you could avoid this to an extent and sit down with them and have a chat (awkward I know) about it and why it isn't for them. Don't dilly dally around the topic either but give them the hard truth. Porn hurts society. Sex is not like that. Its not all enjoyable like it seems. Maybe this will help clear some questions up that they have and stop them from seeking out the answer from the wrong places.
They are probably just as confused about porn as you are sometimes and need examples of what things are in life so that they can understand. If you describe what a condom is, they will understand part of what it is but not all of it. However, if you show them what it is and let them touch it (a clean one please), then they will have a much better understanding about it. Ditto to porn and sex. They might hear about "oral sex" and how its when someone puts their mouth on a person's genitals for pleasure. How does it work? Why do people do this? What do you actually do once your mouth is on it? What next? But by going on-line and seeing someone perform the act, they can understand a lot more about it and will most likely have one of those light-bulb moments and say "Oh, I get it".
There's no denying that hormones can be a pain at any time in our lives but as a teenager with them raging in everyone, they become even more uncontrollable. Yes we probably like to avoid that topic and them while they are going through parts of this phase but it is biological development that has to happen. Their brain doesn't always think and they just follow their instincts on certain things..... this includes porn. They will go on-line to check out what it is and the different types and see what might turn them on. I know its a hard truth that you probably didn't want to hear about it but its there and out there for everyone to see. Teenagers are sexual beings and will just seek out what they need/desire. Its hard for us to admit it, but at one stage we may have even been like this (although we would probably deny it if our kids ever asked)
Just remember.... porn was made for adults, not adolescents. It was made for people that should be able to understand it and not be confused by it. Although we may not see it as being that harmful, it can be. Especially to those minds that just aren't ready for it yet and can't comprehend what is happening and just get even more con fused. So sit them down. Have a chat. Tell them the TRUTH!
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