Wednesday, 17 October 2012

So you found your child watching porn.....

Its always hard to accept that your child is growing up so fast and having them leap forward into areas that they shouldn't be in (i.e. porn sites) is even harder to accept. So what should you do if you find out that your child has been checking out porn? 

1. Decide who’s going to bring it up. If you're married then see who is the more suitable parent to bring it up so that your child doesn't feel ganged up on. Yes they are going to feel defencive and embarrassed and really not want to talk about it but its a must. They need to know the hard facts and know what is going on. Trust me, its better coming from you then from Candy/Brandy/Sparkles/Vixen/Misty/Jasmin/Sugah/Raven/Roxy/Cinamon/Nikki/Isis or whoever it is and giving them all the wrong facts and ideas....

2. Explain how you know what they were doing. Yes they are going to feel spied on and maybe not trust you but you need to let them know its for their protection and have a deal with what is OK to check and what isn't. Internet browsing history, emails etc are usually OK but texts aren't always the best and feel completely violated. Let your child know in advance and explain to them why its not OK to look at porn and hopefully they wont feel like you have violated their privacy as much (even though you are in a way). 
3. Set some boundaries. You are the parent and you are supposed to be responsible. Now this also means that you shouldn't be off watching porn either because just as much as you can check up on what they are doing, they sure can check up on what you have been looking at too. Explain your expectations to them and why and the consequences for breaking them. 

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